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Fusine Confine / Stog Pr Jalen

07 July 2024


3 p.m. exploration of the watershed area by Ksenija Jelen; departure from Pr Jalen - via Ponze 14, 33018 Fusine Confine

6:30 p.m. "The walking body", a talk with Angelo Floramo, Špela Ledinek Lozej and Emil Krištof under Pr Jalen's barn - via Ponze 14, 33018 Fusine Confine

8:30 p.m. refreshments offered by the organisers under Pr Jalen's barn

9:30 p.m. start of the performance under Pr Jalen's barn


event language: Italian

information: +39 3281547471

thanks to: Comune di Tarvisio, Maria Majda Jalen, Ksenija Jelen, Mauro Bullo 

The stog or kozolec is a mainly wooden structure with a rectangular plan, a roof supported by four to six beams joined horizontally on their length by pegs. Its main purpose is to dry and conserve the forage, but it can also be used as a warehouse for work tools, a place for meetings and chats, a playground for children and, when necessary, a partisan shelter. 

“Sedemnajstega maja, se kosa okrog kozolca zamaja”  

“on May 17th the scythe begins to swing around the kozolec”

From May to December, the following were dried in the kozolec: clover, barley, rye and millet, wheat and oats, corn and buckwheat. Although the main purpose of the structure was to keep the forage from taking on moisture, today I am here under the kozolec of Pr Jalen in search of flowing water. 

Straddling an almost indistinguishable watershed, hidden in a sloping ground made up of marshes and peat that seem very similar to the one of Saifnitz/Žabnice/Camporosso, I want to understand how this piece of the Drava’s hydrographic basin became Italian territory. But most of all, how is it that the Sava isn’t called Sava here, but Nadiža. Nadiža just like the river that made Aquileia great, connecting it with the snow-capped mountains of Lebanon and the lush delta of the Nile. 

If the viability of the research is yet to be proved, I am at least convinced of the method and direction to be taken: the first will be a walking human body, the only thing actually capable of noticing even the slightest changes in slope and, in general, the reality of things and the world; the second is the mythical valley of Tamar, stuck between the steep walls of the Ponze and the Mojstrovke, with the Jalovec castle setting the limit (and meaning) to everything: Tamar as the Phoenician prostitute loved by God in the biblical story; Tamar as the King of kings and Queen of queens of medieval Georgia; תמר/تمر/tàmar as the date, migrants' favorite food, as Muhammad himself, the protagonist of our performance, clearly says right from the start:

Some dates can be useful on this journey towards the unknown. The idea that a warrior always carries dates with him goes back to our ancient war traditions... but I... am I a warrior?


“The walking body” talk

ANGELO FLORAMO Teacher, medieval historian. He is scientific consultant of the Guarneriana Library of San Daniele del Friuli. As a storyteller he has published: Balkan Cirkus (Ediciclo 2013) and for Bottega Errante: Guarneriana segreta (2015), L'osteria dei passi perduti (2017), La Veglia di Ljuba (2018), Vino e libertà (2023). He was awarded the Nonino Prize Risit d'Aur - Barbatella d'Oro 2024 together with the cooperative Insieme Frutti di Pace.

ŠPELA LEDINEK LOZEJ Anthropologist. She has worked as a researcher at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of Ethnology, since 2000. Her work focuses on heritage practices and processes, borders and border areas, minorities, food, culture of living and living practices, particularly in the region between the Julian Alps and the north-eastern Adriatic. He is currently conducting the multidisciplinary research programme Heritage on the Margins.

EMIL KRIŠTOF Cultural producer and musician. From 1987 to 2022 he was co-manager and artistic director of the UNIKUM cultural centre at the University of Klagenfurt/Celovec. He is co-author and editor of the UNIKUM hiking books, including Das Weite suchen - Zu Fuß von Kärnten/Koroška zum Meer (2023). He lives and works in Carinthia/Koroška.

ANTON ŠPACAPAN VONČINA Illustrator, sculptor, recycling performer and set designer. Publishes in magazines, covers, records, books. He has worked in set design for countless short films and films, including Zoran, My Dumb Nephew, Drevo, Babylon Sisters, Menocchio, The Wild Man, The Guiltless Man, River or Death! He is one of the founders of the international festival Če povem 83. In 2022, he published Il figlio della lupa (Bottega Errante Edizioni) with Francesco Tomada.